An angry crowd protesting about SharePoint Lists (of all things)

CSOM suddenly throwing exceptions when trying to access list contents in SharePoint? A weird fix.

This article explains one possibly reason why some C# code, powered by CSOM, suddenly stops working and can’t access a SharePoint list anymore that it could before, throwing annoying and misleading exceptions like “The list is not DocumentLibrary, VersionPolicies is not supported” instead. Oh – and of course, there’s a…Continue reading CSOM suddenly throwing exceptions when trying to access list contents in SharePoint? A weird fix.

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node build throwing “error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported”? Let’s fix it!

This article explains how to fix an annoying error – somewhat along the lines of “error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported” – you might encounter when running node scripts. This might happen in a pipeline or locally. And guess what: you can probably fix it. Alright. Let’s get to it, then! Problem So…Continue reading node build throwing “error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported”? Let’s fix it!

Let me introduce you to my web development tools - Blazor and Razor :)

“Failed to launch debug server process due to: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined….” when trying to debug Blazor WebAssembly

This article explains how to fix an annoying issue when trying to debug a Blazor WASM (WebAssembly) project. In my case, I had a Blazor WASM SWA (Static Web App), that built just fine and ran well in Azure, but refused to be debugged. What an annoying little problem. I…Continue reading “Failed to launch debug server process due to: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined….” when trying to debug Blazor WebAssembly