Home » Archives for September 2021
Another day, another issue. This time, I was absent-mindedly following the guidance for a project on how to generate .sql files for .NET EF Core code-first migrations. Don’t ask why that was required, but it was. My migration was simple. Adding an entity with just a few properties. And Entity…Continue reading “dotnet ef script” or “Script-Migration” producing empty .sql files?
Another day, another issue – this time with an on-premises environment with a ridiculously complicated architecture and an absolute ton of pipelines. There are plenty of ways to fix this particular issue (because there are plenty of reasons), and after ferocious googling (and a very brief binging just to see…Continue reading How to fix a 403.18 in a virtual application?
Another day, another thing that I am trying to do on GitHub (and partially failing), and another blog post! This time I was configuring a build and ran into trouble. This article describes one possible fix to an issue where an error is thrown along the lines of “The GITHUB_TOKEN…Continue reading GitHub Action fails with “The GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable was not set”
Today, I’m documenting a simple way to download audio files from Vidyard. This approach only works for files that aren’t password-protected or behind authentication – I don’t think you can use it easily for nefarious stuff, but just in case you’re trying to commit some kind of IP theft (intellectual…Continue reading How to download audio files from Vidyard