Build failed. Again.

“Predefined type ‘System.Object’ is not defined or imported” and other System namespace stuff missing in your solution?

This article will explain how to fix an annoying situation, where Visual Studio fails to find any System types or other “basic” stuff you’re pretty sure your project should have, automagically, out-of-the-box, without you doing anything. Stuff that comes with .NET. Stuff that should just work. But life isn’t always…Continue reading “Predefined type ‘System.Object’ is not defined or imported” and other System namespace stuff missing in your solution?

Let me introduce you to my web development tools - Blazor and Razor :)

“Failed to launch debug server process due to: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined….” when trying to debug Blazor WebAssembly

This article explains how to fix an annoying issue when trying to debug a Blazor WASM (WebAssembly) project. In my case, I had a Blazor WASM SWA (Static Web App), that built just fine and ran well in Azure, but refused to be debugged. What an annoying little problem. I…Continue reading “Failed to launch debug server process due to: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined….” when trying to debug Blazor WebAssembly


How to fix “There was no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier…” after a Visual Studio update?

This article offers a stupid workaround for a cryptic and seemingly unrecoverable problem that manifests itself after a Visual Studio / .NET update and causes the following error to be thrown: “There was no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier ‘browser-wasm’.” Sorry, no real solution here –…Continue reading How to fix “There was no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier…” after a Visual Studio update?

Some men want to watch the build fail

How to kill the process causing the “MSB3021 Unable to copy file — The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.” error?

This time, we’re taking a look at an annoying situation where your previous debugging session, or perhaps your dotnet serve, somehow locks up your dlls or other important files that you kind of need to overwrite when rebuilding. And that, well, causes your build or debugging session to fail. So,…Continue reading How to kill the process causing the “MSB3021 Unable to copy file — The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.” error?

Azure Key Vault logo

How to authenticate against Azure Key Vault both in Azure and local development environment?

Azure Key Vault is great. But when developing locally, it can be a bit of a pain. You can always circumvent it and create some classical solution, such as simply wrapping all of your key/secret assignments in if-else-clauses that will use local configuration if you’re running locally and only call…Continue reading How to authenticate against Azure Key Vault both in Azure and local development environment?

Visual Studio logo

How to fix a build configuration that’s not available as a build directive in Visual Studio?

This article describes how to fix and tweak your pre-build directives in Visual Studio – just in case they refuse to work properly. Because yeah, apparently that sometimes just randomly happens. But fear not – there’s a stupid and ugly, but definitely thoughtful workaround available! Also, sorry for the confusing…Continue reading How to fix a build configuration that’s not available as a build directive in Visual Studio?