PowerShell header

Using PowerShell to set ULS logging level to “extra verbose” to catch all the events in the logs

This blog post describes how to set SharePoint’s ULS level to “Extra Verbose” (VerboseEx) using PowerShell. This is not possible using the browser UI, so some POSH magic is required! Luckily, it’s quite straightforward, but to avoid filling your hard drive(s) with huge log files, you should reset the level…Continue reading Using PowerShell to set ULS logging level to “extra verbose” to catch all the events in the logs

Anonymous access in SharePoint 2013

Using PowerShell to modify anonymous access permissions on SharePoint On-Premises

This post is about managing Anonymous Access on a SharePoint site (SPWeb) using PowerShell commandlets. It’s often a lot more feasible and even easier than using the browser interface! In some cases, it’s borderline impossible to avoid it anyway – since accessing the GUI switch might not be possible. Description…Continue reading Using PowerShell to modify anonymous access permissions on SharePoint On-Premises

Powershell: languagepack 0

Powershell Error: Cannot uninstall the LanguagePack 0 because it is not deployed.

Have you ever run into this, very non-descriptive and weird SharePoint error message “Cannot uninstall the LanguagePack 0 because it is not deployed”? You could encounter it while running some PowerShell scripts – most typically when trying to update a wsp solution. I have, and luckily often easily solved! Symptoms Assume…Continue reading Powershell Error: Cannot uninstall the LanguagePack 0 because it is not deployed.

Malformed web.config causing a Parser Error

“Server Error in ‘/’ Application” or “Parser Error” – it’s actually a malformed web.config killing your ASP.NET-application or SharePoint

This post describes how to resolve a kind of cryptic and oddly misdescriptive error message about Parser Error on your ASP.NET application or (an On-Premises) SharePoint site. I ran into this after deploying wsp-packages to a SharePoint farm, but you can apparently get this on ASP.NET MVC sites, too. The error doesn’t…Continue reading “Server Error in ‘/’ Application” or “Parser Error” – it’s actually a malformed web.config killing your ASP.NET-application or SharePoint