This is something that comes up pretty often – when you’re building an application, or maybe a library you’re sharing as a NuGet package to your friends: You’ll need to share a dependency or two with your particular package, and you don’t want your end users having to reference those…Continue reading How to copy dependent assemblies to the bin folder on build?
I ran into another interesting one when working with a .NET Core 3.0 project and Entity Framework Core – this time, RuntimeIdentifier configuration causing trouble. In short, running Update-Database (to apply code-first migrations to your local database) locally would return this, annoying error: I suspect this can happen with any…Continue reading EF Core fails to load hostpolicy.dll when RuntimeIdentifier is win-x86
Visual Studio failing to copy a referenced assembly to a project in build might lead to surprising runtime errors. This post will explain one method of fixing these issues, using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory as the example – as earlier versions of that assembly had this issue! Problem After the build, you might get…Continue reading A quick (and handy!) hack to force referenced assembly to getting copied to a project