EF Core equals bonk - a quality Entity Framework meme right there.

How to run EF Core commands when your entities are in a different project from your dbcontext?

This article explains how to achieve that nice configuration where you can reuse your .NET EF Core (Entity Framework Core) entities in different projects – even being separate from the project holding your DbContexts! You might want to do this if you have a common data model between a number…Continue reading How to run EF Core commands when your entities are in a different project from your dbcontext?

Entity Framework Core logo

“An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest was not found” when running Add-Migration in Entity Framework Core?

Another quick one – I’m sure this doesn’t apply to all cases, but I’m still logging it in case someone (like myself) stumbles upon the issue and finds help here. I was building a solution with some Azure Functions fetching and populating data in a database, and was planning on…Continue reading “An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest was not found” when running Add-Migration in Entity Framework Core?

Some men want to watch the build fail

How to resolve persistent “Build started… Build failed.” when trying to run Entity Framework Core commands?

This time, I’m happy to present you perhaps the simplest way of fixing an annoying and persistent issue with a misleading error message! Wait, does that sound familiar? It’s almost like that’s what half of my articles are about… Anyway, I was happily going my way about creating a couple…Continue reading How to resolve persistent “Build started… Build failed.” when trying to run Entity Framework Core commands?


How to resolve another “An error occurred while updating the entries” exception in Entity Framework Core

This article offers yet another possible fix to an issue, where trying to call SaveChanges() in Entity Framework Core throws a pretty generic “An error occurred while updating the entries”-exception, and you’re left wondering what in tarnation is wrong this time. And admittedly, that’s a really generic error, so it…Continue reading How to resolve another “An error occurred while updating the entries” exception in Entity Framework Core