bash - it's even more of a mystery than PowerShell

Azure DevOps fails with “The path [path-to-your-repo] does not exist” even though the repository is there for sure?

Eh, this was a weird one. This article explains how to get around an issue where your build tools fail due to weird “path does not exist” errors when you’re using bash to execute a restore to your project. The build would probably succeed nicely, but it fails due to…Continue reading Azure DevOps fails with “The path [path-to-your-repo] does not exist” even though the repository is there for sure?

Microsoft Graph g-raph (giraffe) - the spirit animal of Microsoft Graph

One way to fix “Unsupported or invalid query filter clause specified for property” for your Microsoft Graph API queries

This article explains one possible fix to an annoyingly generic exception thrown by the Microsoft Graph API (namely, “Unsupported or invalid query filter clause specified for property”) or an even more generic exception thrown by PnP PowerShell (“Exception of type ‘PnP.PowerShell.Commands.Model.Graph.GraphException’ was thrown.”) when you’re trying to query Graph API…Continue reading One way to fix “Unsupported or invalid query filter clause specified for property” for your Microsoft Graph API queries

Powershell is hell

Why do you get a “Missing closing ‘)’ in expression.” error when piping a collection to a for loop in PowerShell?

Today, I’m writing about a stupid error. Yeah, I do make those every now and then. After adding a for loop to my PowerShell script, I started to get annoying ParserErrors about my for loop missing a closing bracket. But it was NOT missing one – what gives? Problem So,…Continue reading Why do you get a “Missing closing ‘)’ in expression.” error when piping a collection to a for loop in PowerShell?