How to solve “System.TypeInitializationException: ‘The type initializer for ‘WinRT.ActivationFactory`1’ threw an exception.'” in the MAUI application?

This post was most recently updated on July 27th, 2024.

2 min read.

… or “How to bang your head on a wall for hours on end when developing a MAUI application?” 😂

This article explains how to fix a surprising error you might get when trying to run a MAUI app in Windows. For me, it was thrown when I was simply reading a file from the disk, but I suspect the same or similar error (“System.TypeInitializationException: ‘The type initializer for ‘WinRT.ActivationFactory`1′ threw an exception.’ – COMException: ClassFactory cannot supply requested class”) can probably be thrown for other reasons as well.

Anyway – let’s take a closer look at the issue and when it was thrown for me, shall we?


The error gets thrown at perhaps the unlikeliest part of your code ever. When you’re reading a file with System.IO.File on Windows. Like – shouldn’t System.IO stuff work in platform-specific MAUI builds? And it works just fine on Android. But on Windows, this code throws:

using Stream fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(filePath);
using StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream);
var c = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

And the error you get is a pretty drastic one:

System.TypeInitializationException: 'The type initializer for 'WinRT.ActivationFactory`1' threw an exception.'

COMException: ClassFactory cannot supply requested class

Perhaps you can get similar errors for different reasons, too. But I suspect the fix might quite often be the same, as far as you’re trying to build stuff with MAUI.

Okay – so what to do to fix the issue at hand?


Annoying, but I haven’t found the proper fix to this. That’s not to say I wouldn’t have got a pretty good set of workarounds documented below for trying out! 😁

Time needed: 30 minutes

Solving “System.TypeInitializationException: ‘The type initializer for ‘WinRT.ActivationFactory`1’ threw an exception.'” in MAUI app?

  1. Restart Visual Studio

    Boring, but it’s a good idea to start by restarting Visual Studio.

  2. Restart your machine

    Even more boring, but restarting your machine is the next step. I had to restart mine before the next steps actually worked.

    So since you’ll probably need to do this anyway, probably a good idea to try it first before trying the long-running commands in steps 3 & 4.

    Come back when you’re done!

  3. Disable packaging in Windows to avoid unnecessary broken dependencies

    In case you’re missing the following property in your project’s .csproj file’s <PropertyGroup></PropertyGroup> -node, you could try adding it (unless you want to publish an appx package, and I don’t think anyone does?)


    I haven’t verified this works, as it was suggested by a reader – thanks for the contribution, @takipsizad!

  4. Repair .NET workloads

    The following command – run in Visual Studio Developer Shell (or in any other shell, really) – should fix your workloads if they’re broken for whatever reason. I suppose this should’ve fixed the issue for me, but it didn’t.

    dotnet workload repair

  5. Reinstall maui-windows workload

    Maybe just your maui-windows .NET workload has broken. And maybe workload repair didn’t fix it for whatever reason. Who knows – it’s easy enough to try just reinstalling maui-windows – and somehow this one finally fixed the issue for me:

    dotnet workload install maui-windows

Hope this helps! If you’ve figured out other ways to fix this, let me know in the comments section below!


A couple of sources I found useful in the investigation:

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