"Set-PnPAvailablePageLayouts -AllowAllPageLayouts" returning an error "Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.."

How to fix “Access denied” errors when running “Set-PnPAvailablePageLayouts”?

This article describes one way how to fix seemingly non-sensical “Access denied” errors, that you get when running Set-PnPAvailablePageLayouts. Problem While running the PnP cmdlet for enabling or selecting the available publishing page layouts for a web, you run into this, fairly generic error: Access denied. You do not have…Continue reading How to fix “Access denied” errors when running “Set-PnPAvailablePageLayouts”?

SharePoint cat fixing them errors

Subsite creation in SharePoint fails with error 0x80070005 for any user (even global/farm admins!)

This issue seems to pop up bafflingly often, so I thought that it was finally time to document it for future generations. Granted, it mainly considers Classic SharePoint (which is very tightly built around Publishing features) – but Classic is going to be part of our lives for quite a…Continue reading Subsite creation in SharePoint fails with error 0x80070005 for any user (even global/farm admins!)

MFW another API just stops working without returning any errors

How to fix Twitter embed in SharePoint

Twitter embed has a stupid, built-in failure condition: if the User Agent contains IE10 or older, the embed script will not load. This causes SharePoint embeds to fail. This post describes how to fix that.