Microsoft Teams context in SharePoint Framework client-side code.

How to solve the error “Property ‘microsoftTeams’ does not exist on type ‘WebPartContext’.”

This post was most recently updated on March 28th, 2023.

2 min read.

This article explains how to fix an issue where you’re just minding your own business, trying to access the Microsoft Teams context in your SPFx webpart’s WebPartContext via the built-in property microsoftTeams, but you run into an issue. Simple stuff, but it’s still easy to run into this one, so I think it’s worthwhile to document the solution somewhere.


Most likely, the line causing you issues looks something like this:


Of like shown below in Visual Studio Code:

The error "Property 'microsoftTeams' does not exist on type 'WebPartContext'." shown in Visual Studio Code's intellisense.
The error “Property ‘microsoftTeams’ does not exist on type ‘WebPartContext’.” is shown in Visual Studio Code’s IntelliSense.

This error will lead to the following output when you actually run the gulp bundle or the gulp build.

==================[ Finished ]==================
 Error - [tsc] src/webparts/yourWebPart/YourWebPart.ts(273,22): error TS2339: Property 'microsoftTeams' does not exist on type 'WebPartContext'.
 Error - [tsc] src/webparts/yourWebPart/YourWebPart.ts(275,22): error TS2339: Property 'microsoftTeams' does not exist on type 'WebPartContext'.
 Error - 'tsc' sub task errored after 5.34 s 
  exited with code 2

Or like shown below during the build:

gulp bundle output: Error - [tsc] src/webparts/modernCalendar/ModernCalendarWebPart.ts(273,22): error TS2339: Property 'microsoftTeams' does not exist on type 'WebPartContext'. Error - [tsc] src/webparts/modernCalendar/ModernCalendarWebPart.ts(275,22): error TS2339: Property 'microsoftTeams' does not exist on type 'WebPartContext'. Error - 'tsc' sub task errored after 5.34 s   exited with code 2
gulp bundle output:
Error – [tsc] src/webparts/modernCalendar/ModernCalendarWebPart.ts(273,22):
error TS2339: Property ‘microsoftTeams’ does not exist on type ‘WebPartContext’.


Okay, so this is simple… Kind of. The explanation is, anyway!

Let’s rule out the obvious first, though! Let’s do some basic cleanup work. Take the following steps:

  1. Run gulp clean
  2. Restart your VS Code
  3. run gulp bundle

Did that help? No? It didn’t for me, either.

In my case – and possibly in yours as well – you’re not using a recent enough version of SPFx. Microsoft Teams context is only available for versions 1.8+ for SPFx.


If too old of an SPFx version is indeed your issue, in this other article are the instructions on how to update it. Check it out and see if that helps!

Et voilà! You should be good then.

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