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This article explains a quick fix to a small but annoying issue: Microsoft Graph API SDK persistently returning null values for most properties of your Microsoft.Graph.User objects. The issue might happen when using either the Graph API SDK or just calling the REST API directly. Both options are entirely acceptable,…Continue reading How to fix Graph API returning null properties for Users?
Are you struggling with your Azure IoT Edge modules not receiving your Direct Method calls? Is EdgeHub reporting transient network issues? Are you seeing “Could not connect to your IoT hub: could not complete TLS handshake” errors? Are your modules experiencing constant 104 errors (connection reset by peer)? Fear not!…Continue reading How to get your Azure IoT Edge runtime to use port 443 instead of using 5671 and 8883?
This is something that comes up pretty often – when you’re building an application, or maybe a library you’re sharing as a NuGet package to your friends: You’ll need to share a dependency or two with your particular package, and you don’t want your end users having to reference those…Continue reading How to copy dependent assemblies to the bin folder on build?
This article explains a couple of steps you might need to take when executing a Single-Device deployment from Visual Studio Code to an Azure IoT Edge device. Through a bit of trial and error, I learned quite a few things that might go wrong when VSCode is building your deployment…Continue reading “Unable to retrieve IoT Edge informationIoT Edge configuration uses an unsupported schema and cannot be displayed.” after deploying from VS Code. What do?
I never thought that I would write an article on this site of mine about war, peace and a threat to not only an entire nation’s existence, but mine, too. But as this website has some reach (there’s around 75 000 of you each month), I feel that I have…Continue reading Evil triumphs when good men do nothing
In this article, I’m listing the quick fixes to your Azure Functions suddenly throwing seemingly random and very unexpected CORS errors. I have run into this so many times that I had to list these (admittedly simple) fixes in order of importance purely for myself – but perhaps some of…Continue reading Azure Functions suddenly throwing CORS errors when ran locally? Easy fix(es)!