Applying Entity Framework’s Code-First Migrations against a Database in Azure by running Update-Database

This post describes how to run Entity Framework’s code-first migrations against a database located in Windows Azure. This is done by running the Update-Database commandlet with suitable switches, see below. The problem and symptoms Okay, so you’re developing your MVC+EF cool web app with a database in Azure, and you’re…Continue reading Applying Entity Framework’s Code-First Migrations against a Database in Azure by running Update-Database

IDCRL error in PowerShell

Fixing “Connect-SPOService : Identity Client Runtime Library (IDCRL) could not look up the realm information for a federated sign-in.” -error

This post describes my super-simple fix to a weird error about “Identity Client Runtime Library (IDCRL)” failing with federated sign-in when running PowerShell scripts against SharePoint Online. One typical form of the error might be something along the lines of “Identity Client Runtime Library (IDCRL) could not look up the…Continue reading Fixing “Connect-SPOService : Identity Client Runtime Library (IDCRL) could not look up the realm information for a federated sign-in.” -error