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This article explains a solution to another dumb issue I ran into when checking out someone else’s repository and trying to build and run the solution. I’m calling the issue “dumb” because it’s not like I’m practicing rocket surgery here. And the solution isn’t particularly high-flying either. Then again, neither…Continue reading How to solve “error TS2354: This syntax requires an imported helper but module ‘tslib’ cannot be found.” when running npm build scripts?
Even if you have a 100% TypeScript project, it’ll still end up with a lot of .js (JavaScript) or .jsx (JavaScript with React extension) files. Unless you properly ignore them, they’ll end up cluttering your Visual Studio solution, and even git. As these are, in that case, generated files and…Continue reading How to clean up redundant .js, .jsx and .d.ts files from your repository?
This one is something that I keep running into. Visual Studio just throws an error for a missing helper __spreadArray in a library that you didn’t even know you had installed, and you’re not sure if it should – or even can – be updated. I guess Visual Studio just…Continue reading How to fix Visual Studio throwing a “This syntax requires an imported helper named ‘__spreadArray’ which does not exist in ‘tslib’. Consider upgrading your version of ‘tslib’.
This blog post is about fixing issues related to building a project with TypeScript files. Basically, if your jsx or tsx -files are not getting built to js-files (which is what the browser understands) in Visual Studio’s build, this post might solve the issue for you. Description Whilst converting a…Continue reading Fixed: Cannot use JSX unless the ‘–jsx’ flag is provided