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This article explains a couple of workarounds to a frustrating issue I had with vite and yet-another-weird-frontend-build-toolkit. Because every toolchain for frontend stuff is different, apparently. And they all fail in different ways. Anyway – let’s get to it. Background I was just creating a tiny bugfix to an older…Continue reading External path “**” cannot have more than one “*” wildcard with vite?
This article explains a solution to another dumb issue I ran into when checking out someone else’s repository and trying to build and run the solution. I’m calling the issue “dumb” because it’s not like I’m practicing rocket surgery here. And the solution isn’t particularly high-flying either. Then again, neither…Continue reading How to solve “error TS2354: This syntax requires an imported helper but module ‘tslib’ cannot be found.” when running npm build scripts?
This article explains how to fix an annoying error – somewhat along the lines of “error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported” – you might encounter when running node scripts. This might happen in a pipeline or locally. And guess what: you can probably fix it. Alright. Let’s get to it, then! Problem So…Continue reading node build throwing “error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported”? Let’s fix it!
This article explains a fix to an odd issue, where suddenly, mid-build, an error dialog pops up, complaining about your PC being unable to run “this app”. The fix is luckily straightforward, even if it’s a bit odd. Let me explain – but first, let’s define the issue a bit…Continue reading “This app can’t run on your PC” dialog when you’re building your app in Visual Studio
Another one in the series of “this should’ve been easy, but alas, you’re the edge case”. “You” being “me”, and the “edge case” being our internal npm feed (registry), for whatever reason. Ah, well – life would be extremely boring if everything always went according to documentation, right? So, instead…Continue reading How to authenticate against npm registries in Azure DevOps?
Instead of being stuck on whatever version your SPFx project was originally created with, it’s possible and sometimes required to upgrade it afterward to gain access to newer functionalities like integration with Microsoft Teams. This process, to me, is comparable to updating the .NET Framework version in your classic web…Continue reading How to update SharePoint Framework for an SPFx webpart?