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This article explains how to fix error with error code AADSTS50196. This issue usually comes up with an error message somewhat like “The server terminated an operation because it encountered a client request loop.” The error seems to be popping up more and more often. No worries – it wasn’t…Continue reading How to fix an AADSTS50196 error on Microsoft web properties?
This article serves as a simple glossary of important MSDN Subscriber links that I always forget – links that Microsoft keeps updating, that is! I’ll be updating the post as need be :) And yes, I do feel a little bit ridiculous about creating an actual article about something as…Continue reading The MSDN Downloads / Subscriber links
Okay – so this one is going to be a simple blog post. I’ll be explaining an apparent fan favorite! Namely, MSDN forums, MSDN subscriber downloads or other Microsoft web properties are not letting you sign in, but rather throw the following error: Unable to service request Why do you…Continue reading “Unable to service request” when trying to log into a Microsoft website
Every now and then, something like half of Microsoft’s websites will suddenly stop working – this applies to at least Azure Portal, SharePoint Online sites, MSDN forums, Office Online, and probably a thousand other sites. The error is most of the time something like this: Bad Request – Request Too…Continue reading How to log in to Microsoft’s websites (MSDN forums, Azure Portal, SharePoint Online) when you get a “Bad Request” error?