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This article explains how to replace double quotes in string literal when replacing stuff in GitHub Actions using sed. Or rather, how to replace stuff with double quotes in it in GitHub Actions overall. Because it’s not as straightforward as one would think. Or maybe I’m missing something obvious here?…Continue reading How to avoid sed in GitHub Actions removing spaces from your script steps?
This article shows you how to set a window size for a MAUI app on Windows. This is super useful for debugging – in my case, I wanted to retain a fast development cycle with lightweight debugging to work on my code quickly, but still see everything in roughly the…Continue reading How to set Window size for your MAUI app in Windows?
This article explains how to fix your Blazor Hybrid MAUI application (built with Blazor Webassembly, using MAUI to build & publish for multiple different platforms like Windows, Android and iOS at once) not starting up, but throwing an unexpected error instead, an error message being somewhat along the lines of…Continue reading How to fix your MAUI Blazor app crashing on startup with “Failed to compare two elements in the array.” ?
Unlike most of my articles, this one isn’t a description of an issue I had and the workaround or fix that I found. This time, I’m writing about something I found fun and pretty impressive – a fully functional continuous integration and deployment pipeline from a git repository all the…Continue reading How to build a functional CI/CD pipeline for a MAUI app on GitHub in less than 1 hour?
… or “How to bang your head on a wall for hours on end when developing a MAUI application?” 😂 This article explains how to fix a surprising error you might get when trying to run a MAUI app in Windows. For me, it was thrown when I was simply…Continue reading How to solve “System.TypeInitializationException: ‘The type initializer for ‘WinRT.ActivationFactory`1’ threw an exception.’” in the MAUI application?
This article explains how to read and write files in a MAUI application. No, not AppPackageFiles, nobody likes those, but actual NORMAL files. Real files. Dynamic files. Files that can change. Runtime files. I don’t know what to call them. But I hope you get the idea. Someone needs to…Continue reading How to read and write files in a MAUI application?
This article offers a stupid workaround for a cryptic and seemingly unrecoverable problem that manifests itself after a Visual Studio / .NET update and causes the following error to be thrown: “There was no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier ‘browser-wasm’.” Sorry, no real solution here –…Continue reading How to fix “There was no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier…” after a Visual Studio update?