SharePoint Localization - You can have your content in different languages for different users.

SharePoint Localization – a (somewhat) comprehensive how-to!

This article describes the localization/multilingual capabilities of SharePoint, and your options as an organization using it to achieve a seamless and user-friendly experience for your end-users and content editors. SharePoint’s definitely a powerful platform, but its multilingual features might leave a bit to be desired – and using them successfully…Continue reading SharePoint Localization – a (somewhat) comprehensive how-to!

How to SharePoint?

Using “DetectedLanguage” to return only localized results from SharePoint Search index

Localization and targeting of content in multilingual SharePoint installations is always an issue. SharePoint offers a multitude of ways to profile content based on user language (or other properties), but none of the solutions are foolproof. This post describes how to fetch only localized results from the SharePoint Search index,…Continue reading Using “DetectedLanguage” to return only localized results from SharePoint Search index