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Okay, that’s a title and a half. But let’s see – what are we actually doing and why? In my particular case, I had to store a Dictionary<string, string> in a Postgres database. By default, that’s not something Entity Framework handles. But as usual, there’s a way around that –…Continue reading How to store a complex object as JSON in a PostgreSQL database using Entity Framework (Npgsql)?
Have you run into this puzzling error? It comes in a couple of flavors, but it boils down to you failing miserably when you run the create_hypertable() function on your PostgreSQL TimescaleDB database server! Annoyingly, it might mean that the whole function is missing (extension is not installed or loaded)…Continue reading How to solve “Npgsql: 42883: function create_hypertable(…) does not exist”?
I was setting up a PostgreSQL database in Azure, to be used by a cutesy little Azure Function storing telemetry from a bunch of Azure IoT Edge Devices. But when everything was (supposed to be) configured successfully, my Azure Function failed to store anything anywhere because of a missing database……Continue reading How to configure Azure PostgreSQL to allow Cloud Shell connections?
This article will explain how to run your arbitrary SQL commands against a Postgre SQL database running in a Docker container in Windows. That should be super simple, but since I never remember anything like this by heart, I had to google it – and turns out, either I didn’t…Continue reading How to run SQL commands in a Postgre SQL Docker container?