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How to resolve AADSTS90056 – “The endpoint only accepts POST requests. Received a GET request.”

This post details my very simple solution to an extremely unnecessary and kind-of simple error that I encountered when logging into SharePoint. However, you could run into the same error after configuring Azure Active Directory authentication to a custom web application. The error message comes in at least 2 variants.…Continue reading How to resolve AADSTS90056 – “The endpoint only accepts POST requests. Received a GET request.”

ChromeWebDriver version in Azure DevOps build pipeline job's log output

How to find out which WebDriver version is installed on an Azure DevOps build machine using YAML?

Uh, okay, well. So this is where you should just RTFM (that’s along the lines of “check the documentation” for those uninitiated in the world of unnecessary abbreviations). But as we’ve found out before, Microsoft’s documentation on the agent’s installed software isn’t always up-to-date. That’s why I added this simple…Continue reading How to find out which WebDriver version is installed on an Azure DevOps build machine using YAML?