Microsoft Teams context in SharePoint Framework client-side code.

How to solve the error “Property ‘microsoftTeams’ does not exist on type ‘WebPartContext’.”

This article explains how to fix an issue where you’re just minding your own business, trying to access the Microsoft Teams context in your SPFx webpart’s WebPartContext via the built-in property microsoftTeams, but you run into an issue. Simple stuff, but it’s still easy to run into this one, so…Continue reading How to solve the error “Property ‘microsoftTeams’ does not exist on type ‘WebPartContext’.”

GitHub thread about the error - and long and winding discussion about the topic.

How to resolve build failing with .NET Core 3 and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning

Whilst building a proof-of-concept on .NET Core 3.0 preview 7 I ran into issues when developing web APIs. This release is production-ready (according to Microsoft -see below), but every now and then you run into really unintuitive and sometimes surprising issues. Go LiveNET Core 3.0 Preview 7 is supported by…Continue reading How to resolve build failing with .NET Core 3 and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning