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This post is about two of my favorite tools: Chrome SP Editor, and SharePoint Search Query tool. Or maybe better yet, an amalgamation of the two! Description I’ve mentioned the Chrome SP Editor before, and for a good reason. It’s a great tool for any IT Pro or Dev working…Continue reading SharePoint Search Console – Now available inside Chrome SP Editor!
I ran into compatibility issues with .NET Core 2.2 on my Azure Functions projects, so I downgraded my whole solution (an Azure Functions project, a helpers library, and a web application project) to 2.1, and got rid of that particular nuisance. This introduced a few new issues, though – namely,…Continue reading Resolving the Version conflicts for a downgraded .NET Core 2.1/2.2 web app project
Quite often you get the need to simply quickly query all the database sizes on MS SQL Server. Most typically, for me, this need arises when a development machine gets low on disk space, and I need to check if some database’s log size has been growing, or if something…Continue reading Easily querying all the database and log file sizes on SQL Server
This post describes one no-brainer fix to the error “An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest [projectname].deps.json was not found.” I ran into this while running Update-Database for my ASP.NET Core web project, that’s using EntityFrameworkCore 2.1.1. I hadn’t seen this one before, but the error was quite interesting:…Continue reading Fixing “An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest [projectname].deps.json was not found”
Microsoft is gathering all kinds of telemetric data out of the usage of SharePoint. I ran into an interesting JavaScript file, fp.js, on SharePoint Online doing just that and gathering data. It loads on pretty much every single page request, so it’s something you’ll bump into any time you open…Continue reading What is “fp.js” – and why is it snooping on your SharePoint usage?
Google is shutting down their Facebook killer, Google+. While I’m sure there are at least 10 end-users that are sad to see the ill-fated not-that-social-medium go, the implications for Software Developers actually could be far more far-reaching. A lot of implementations of Google’s OAuth seem to rely on Google Plus’s…Continue reading Google Plus is shutting down – fix your .NET OAuth flow!