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When trying to use some functionality, that relies on Unified Groups, you’re getting errors in the console, similar to this: “Unified Groups aren’t supported.” In truth, this most likely means, that Unified Groups (that’s the internal/technical name for Office 365 Groups) is not enabled for this particular user. That breaks a bunch of…Continue reading How to solve the “Unified Groups aren’t supported.” -error
Using Azure Functions and Cognitive Services Text API to enrich a Flow that fills Metadata for new items in a Modern SharePoint Team Site. That’s, in a nutshell, the solution I submitted to a recent online hackathon. Quite a mouthful, isn’t it? The whole solution (and a public vote, if…Continue reading How to Resolve Managed Metadata Madness in SharePoint?
Localization and targeting of content in multilingual SharePoint installations is always an issue. SharePoint offers a multitude of ways to profile content based on user language (or other properties), but none of the solutions are foolproof. This post describes how to fetch only localized results from the SharePoint Search index,…Continue reading Using “DetectedLanguage” to return only localized results from SharePoint Search index
Office 365 Planner is a neat tool for task management. However, when you, for whatever use case, need to form URLs that point you towards a single task (or a bucket, or a plan for that matter), you might run into trouble with how the URL is formed. Custom domains…Continue reading How to form links to Planner tasks